Commonly Used Interaction Tags That Are Good to Look Out For

TagDirect TranslationClarification (if necessary)
FTIFree to interactInteracting is completely okay
OTIOkay to interactInteraction is fine, but not necessarily preferred
ATIAsk to interactAsk to interact before officially starting conversation
ATVAsk to vent 
IWSCInteract with slight cautionHave some caution when interacting, but mostly okay
IWCInteract with caution 
IWECInteract with extreme caution 
IWSCare / IWSCRInteract with slight careInteracting is okay, but may not be in the greatest headspace, so please be kind when doing so
IWCare / IWCRInteract with care 
IWECare / IWECRInteract with extreme care 
INTGInteract gentlyBe gentle while interacting
INTEGInteract extremely gently 
SRSelective repliesMay reply to some things, but not others

TagDirect TranslationClarification (if necessary)
DNIDo not interact 
DNIUC / DNIUCPDo not interact unless close (person)Don’t interact unless we know you relatively well and trust you on a basic level
DNIUVCDo not interact unless very closeDon’t interact unless considered to be a really close person to us
DNIUFRDo not interact unless friendDon’t interact unless we consider you a friend
DNIUFDo not interact unless familyDon’t interact unless we consider you to be family
DNIUI / DNIUIDDo not interact unless I (do) 
DNIUTTFDo not interact unless talked to first 
DNIU bioDo not interact unless listed in our bio / about me 
DNIU specifiedDo not interact unless specifiedDon’t interact unless we otherwise specify that you can

TagDirect TranslationClarification (if necessary)
PLSINTPlease interact 
PI(WU) / (WM)Please interact (with us) / (with me) 
IAYORInteract at your own riskLikely unempathetic and / or unstable, may potentially be at risk of snapping

TagDirect TranslationClarification (if necessary)
DNIUECDo not interact unless extremely close 
DNIUCGDo not interact unless caregiver 
DNIUPSDo not interact unless partner system 
DNIUFPDo not interact unless favourite person (B.P.D.)Don’t interact unless we / I have a FP attachment to you
DNIUOTDo not interact unless obsession target (O.L.D.)Don’t interact unless you are my / our OT
DNIUSMDo not interact unless sourcemateDon’t interact unless you’re from the same source as that person
DNIUD / DNIUDBDo not interact unless doubleDon’t interact unless you count as a double of that person

TagDirect TranslationClarification (if necessary)
DNIIB / DNII bioDo not interact if (in) bio 
DNIIS / DNII statusDo not interact if (in) status 
DNIIPSDo not interact if partner system 
DNIIFPDo not interact if favourite person 
DNIIOTDo not interact if obsession target 
DNIICGDo not interact if caregiver 
DNIIFRDo not interact if friend 
DNIIFDo not interact if family 
DNIISMDo not interact if sourcemate 
DNIID / DNIIDBDo not interact if double 

TagDirect TranslationClarification (if necessary)
SMDNISourcemates do not interact 
SMDNIUCSourcemates do not interact unless close 
SMDNIUPSourcemates do not interact unless partner 
SMDNIUFPSourcemates do not interact unless favourite person 
SMDNIUOTSourcemates do not interact unless obesssion target 
DBDNI / DDNIDoubles do not interact 
DBDNIUC / DDNIUCDoubles do not interact unless close 
DBDNIUP / DDNIUPDoubles do not interact unless partner 
DBDNIUFP / DDNIUFPDoubles do not interact unless favourite person 
DBDNIUOT / DDNIUOTDoubles do not interact unless obsession target 
DNIID / DNIIDBDo not interact if double 

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